Grades 6-8

STEM_ccexpressMiddle School brings a step up for students in independence and responsibility. Your middle school student will learn to work with a variety of teachers and to juggle multiple responsibilities as they change classes and instructors every period. Organization, time management, and study skills are important developments in preparing for high school.

Students receive a new Chromebook in grade 6 and use it for much of their core instruction. This technology opens a wide range of academic opportunities; from developing their typing skills and mastering MLA format, to composing music, creating apps, and learning how to code.

In language arts, there is a strong focus on writing and critical thinking. Your student will become familiar with narrative, expository, and argumentative writing, and analyze the elements of various forms of literature to encourage a passion for reading.

In middle school, advanced math courses are available, culminating in algebra and geometry. Students complete Spanish I, and at the conclusion of eighth grade, students may test out of high school Algebra I, Geometry, and Spanish I.

The small-school environment at Saint Bernadette provides students with many outlets to grow in leadership. Opportunities include Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, and Academic Decathlon.

Through choir, band, drama productions, and the Diocesan Shakespeare Festival students are encouraged to grow in the arts. Greek Fair and Science Fair allow students to showcase their academic accomplishments. Middle school students participate in dissections, and attend field trips focusing on both academics and team-building.


Mission Statement

The community of Saint Bernadette Catholic School and Parish works together to form hearts and minds in Christ. 

By fostering a love for lifelong learning, we develop the whole child through faith formation, service to others,
and academic excellence to be leaders in our ever-changing world.

Saint Bernadette Catholic School

7602 Old Keene Mill Rd Springfield, Virginia 22152

(703) 451-8696

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